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  • Stein Hoff

Stein's Solo Atlantic Row

Hi all old friends from Glasgow University,

All going to plan here in New York (more or less...) - lots of local interest and even some international attention, especially if I get away and out to open sea as planned in a week. I start Sunday 15th May at 8 am local time.

I have had a number of talks and demonstrations and a press meeting in the last few days and have even ended up with some enthusiastic sponsors without really trying to get any thanks to a local enthusiast and Norwegian-American Victor Samuelsen. But I will of course have to do something in return.

You can follow my preparations and journey throughout the summer on

(I do not have a dedicated homepage in addition.)

Have a good summer, all you old classmates from the Delta Club Years 1964-70, hopefully a nice summer with varied activities! My summer will be a bit monotonous, I suppose... At least I know what to do every day for 3 months or so!

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