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  • Frank Dunn


One of Scotland's most famous football clubs met for their annual lunch recently. A number of our year club graced the team over the years and three attended the lunch(they should be fairly easy to spot) in addition to Joan Weeple's (Shaw) brother-in-law Frank( second from the right). The founder of this club was the late John Dunn in 1967 and plans for a 50th year celebration under our current leader John Forrester are about to get underway. The Steamboat's were cited by Bob McDevitt during his excellent eulogy at Dougie McLaren's funeral. Dougie was Captain of our greatest rivals the Mermaid. Down the years great banter was exchanged between the teams and Dougie was mentioned with affection on a number of occasions at the Lunch. In general terms the behaviour of the attendees has improved with the passing of the years but as the afternoon and evening progressed there were a few signs of wear and tear. Our decision to decamp to a nearby hostelry after the meal was as always flawed and mistakes of the past 49 years have not been learned. We look forward to our 50th celebrations next year and an update will be provided then.

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